Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Country Presentation

      Today in class we formed groups and started a PowerPoint presentation. We started this after we did our unit about facts from the CIA Factbook. This is where we learned all sorts of information about countries all over the globe. For my groups project we were assigned the United States of America and each of us found different facts about it. In our groups we each assigned each other a topic for our country. There was communication, government, population, and even economy. My group assigned me to research the government portion of our presentation. Using the CIA Factbook I listed all sorts of facts about our government. Like our nation’s symbol, which is the Bald Eagle or when The Declaration of Independence was signed, which was in 1776.  By using the CIA Factbook we learned a lot about our countries and how they were doing in today/’s environment, but then again there’s still a lot to learn.

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