Thursday, January 10, 2013

We're Done!

       Today in Human Geography class we finished watching the documentary about Jared Diamond's discoveries about how Eurasian societies became so different from each other and why some have such great technology and why some are basically in the Stone Age. Today we talked about the people that started farming in the Fertile Cresent  and how over the coarse of the drought and over-farming the land the people exhausted the land. After this they moved east and west and conveniently found areas that were extremely similar to the one they had recently left. Once again meaning that they could thrive extremely well even after moving so far away from where they started. And also once again Jared Diamond restated his simple, but also complex explanation for why we are so different in technology. What decided our fate was plants, animals, and geographic luck. This was the story of Guns, Germs, and Steel

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