Saturday, January 5, 2013

Guns, Germs, and Steel Documentary

         In Human Geo class on Friday we began to watch a documentary about Jared Diamond and his theories and encounters in Papua, New Guinea. This documentary was called Guns, Germs, and Steel, and it is a story of why some Eurasian societies are so technologically and socially diverse from ours. It gives you a real sense on why some societies are still somewhat living in the past. So far from what we watched, Jared Diamond had been asked a question by a native and this question is one that sets up the entire documentary, “Why do white men have so  much cargo and we New Guineans have so little?”. Since then Jared has been investigating why this is, and he has found that because that the New Guineans have been separated from getting resources from the rest of the world for so long they do not have as much cargo. But if they had, had so much cargo they might not be able to survive and make shelter the way they do today.

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