Monday, January 7, 2013

More Documentary Stuff

         Today in class we continued watching the documentary centered around Guns, Germs, and Steel, a story about how Eurasian countries began to differ so much in technology and knowledge. We started class by watching part two and continued into part four, where we stopped at six and a half minutes in. During the video we learned that the reason some societies can to differ so much was the mere factor of plants and geographical luck. Some of the plants grown in the Middle East where the first farmers were, were wheat and barley. These plants helped the people of the Middle East, because the plants were so plentiful and they were also very nutritious. Some of the crops grown in America (both north and south) were corn, squash, and other grain types. Next time we watch this documentary I hope that we will know what else might decide the fate of a civilization. 

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