Monday, November 26, 2012

Those Countries

           Today in class we finally finished our lesson on different countries, their leaders, and their leader’s traits. We also got back our final test on this unit and many people did great on it including me. I got a perfect score and was really excited to score so well even though I didn’t think I studied my hardest, but it was great to see that studying at all can pay off. After we finished handing out the tests we spent just about five minutes reviewing and if anyone got anything wrong they were allowed to write the right answer on their paper. Then we started the next section in a way. We started by watching a video about capitalism and then as we went through the video we talked about what was going on in China and how the government tried to control parts of people’s lives and how jobs in China can affect us, here in the U.S. But since we didn’t get that far I guess I’ll just talk about that next time.

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