Saturday, November 17, 2012

First Paper Project

            In class after we finished talking about the countries and when they were declared independent, who they ruled by, and where they were located, we were assigned a paper to do by Monday. When we got this assignment I hoping me and my partner from our last assignment would be able to do the paper together, but that plan failed when they told me they were going to do the paper with someone else. I really did wish I could’ve had a partner for this assignment, but I guess I can do the best I can by myself anyway. I think for my paper I am going to write about Israel and Iran and their relationship with the U.S. and each other. Like the fact that right now they are currently launching rockets at each other daily. And then Israel is building up troops along the border and has assassinated one of Iran’s political leaders close to the border. But I guess I should wait until I say everything about my paper.

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