Monday, November 5, 2012

Leaders and Achievements

David Cameron- The youngest elected Prime Minister of England. He also gave Middle Eastern countries weapons in hope to bring “peace”.

Hamid Karzai- He and his oldest brother were having a case put together against them, because of corruption. He was also part of a drug trade with his other brother Ahmed Wali Karzai. The Taliban ruled the country before him and now he is trying to stop the drug trade.

Enrique Pena Nieto- His wife died during his second term in office due to a seizure. Lots of people don’t like him because he killed two protesters when he called in for the state police.

Ju Hintao- He stabilized his country and its population, to make it a first class superpower. Meanwhile, he also closely controls the media to control what the public hears.

Pranab Mukherjee- He is an author of many different books including Beyond Survival and Off the Track. He is also one of the oldest presidents in India.

Mahmoud Ahmaddinejad- Vowed to destroy Israel at any cost. It is also claimed that he stormed an U.S. embassy in 1979.

Benjamin Netanyahu- He considers Iran the biggest threat to Israel and its people. He is not the only leader in Israel, his co-worker Shimon Perez is the president while Benjamin is the Prime Minister.

Joachim Gauck- He lived most of his life in East Germany in the time of the Soviet Union. Near the fall of the Berlin Wall Gauck frequently saw protesters including one peaceful protest in 1989.

Franquios  Hollande- Hollande grew up in northern Normandy, where the allies had first invaded France in WWII. Although he was raised Catholic as a child Hollande is now part of the agnostic belief. She was the first woman president to be elected into office.

Dilma Rousseff- Before she became president it was rumored that had handled weapons and organized operations. On January 16, 1970 she was arrested on suspicion and for possession of a firearm.

Hugo Chavez- He served in the army from 1976-1981 and was in the academy for four years. He later joined up with the Bolivarian Revolutionary Army and fought in many important operations.

Abdullah Al Suad- He secretly urged the United States to place tracking systems on released inmates from Guantanamo Bay and he also told the United States he would like them to destroy Iran and their nuclear program. He had thirty five children and thirteen wives. 

George Bush- He had a shoe thrown at him during one of his visits to Middle East. His father was also the president before him and both father and son served two terms. 

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