Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Who was really here first?

          Today in class we showed our presentations about the people who really founded America first. The first people to come to the Americas were of the Native Americans. Not only is it in their name, but it has been proven by fact. They crossed over the Ice Bridge over 10,000 years ago while they were following a herd of mammoth. When they followed these mammoth across the bridge they wandered into modern day Alaska. After they crossed the bridge into their new home the “hunters and gatherers” spread out and repopulated each area they moved to. This process continued and when they were discovered by the Europeans in 1492 there were nearly 50 million of them! It is amazing to think that so many people lived in the Americas before Columbus came and yet he got all the recognition for rediscovering America. It just goes to show not everything you learn is real. 

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