Monday, October 8, 2012


           Today in class we were assigned into three groups which were Native American, Viking, and Columbus. When we got these groups we assumed it had something to do with Columbus, since today it was in fact Columbus Day today. I, since I am part Native American chose to be the Indians. After our groups were chosen and I argued that tomahawks are better weapons than muskets; we got together and answered some questions about what our groups were and how they discovered America. Not only that, but what they were also trying to find when they stumbled across America.

            In my group we found that the Native Americans actually found America by accident just like Columbus. They were simply tracking mammoth, which was their main source of food at the time, when they followed the herd a bit too far; eventually crossing an ice bridge from Russia to modern day Alaska. They soon gathered together and crossed into America, multiplying and spreading throughout the region.

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