Saturday, October 20, 2012

Testng 1,2,3...

        Yesterday in class we finished talking about the religions we were assigned. After that we learned via Mr. Schick that we were ahead of just about every other class. When I first heard that I was happy, because I thought that meant no homework, but then I realized that we always have to blog like now. Although I wasn’t completely wrong, it meant we didn’t have class work to do for the time being. Then Mr. Schick told us that we were going to make the test we had on Wednesday ourselves! We had to make up five questions each and he would pick out some of them from each blog and put them on the test. This is good and bad. One good thing is that some people might make really easy questions; the bad thing is some people’s notes are different from the others so I’ll have to study even more. I just hope this won’t be the worst test.

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