Thursday, October 18, 2012

Religion 101

         Today in class we went over the religions we researched last week and what they were really about. Like whether the religions were about worshiping one God or many gods. We found that most of the religions we researched were monotheistic meaning they believed in one god. Although they was still one or two religions that were a polytheistic which means they believed in more than one or many gods. Kishan also explained to us today about the religion known as Hinduism which is where there is one god, but it confuses some people because they think there is more than one god in this religion. I know as a fact and because I am a Catholic that we are a monotheistic religion, because we believe there is only one and true God. In Intro To Bible class we are also learning about why we believe in only one God even though there is Jesus and the Trinity, but that’ll have to wait for next time.

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