Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ancient Greek Terms and People

            Today in class we discussed several Greek terms and their meanings; as well as the great Greek scholar Socrates. We discussed how he made the Socratic method of learning. This is where the teacher stimulates the students’ minds to ask questions and question what has already been discovered. Mr. Schick used this method to teach us today about the Socratic Method. Even while we were asking questions we didn’t realize this until he explained it to us. We learned how amazing Socrates was, and how he affects us today. He even died for what he stood up for; even when he had supporters that could save him. We also talked about other Greek words that were used to define Greek democracy in their society. Like some words meaning citizenship or locations used for voting. The Greeks used Democracy in everything from the price of olive oil to other things like senators.

Arete- Arete was used as the Greek word for excellence or really good.

Polis- Can mean citizenship or define the Ancient Greek city-states as they were called.

Socrates- Socrates was an amazing Greek scholar that discovered the Socratic Method. He got the people of Ancient Greece to start thinking for themselves rather than let an authority tell them what was what.

Socrates’s Death- Socrates died after he was brought to trial for corrupting the minds of youth and disrespecting the gods.  He died of a terrible poison on his prison bed.

The Socratic Method- The Socratic Method was a method made by the Ancient Greek scholar Socrates who used this method to teach young Greeks to question things. He didn’t just want them to accept something he wanted them to challenge it.

Date: 508 B.C.- Democracy was created in Greece following a revolution in Athens.

Agora- An agora was like a podium used to announce things in a public place, when translated it means gathering place.

What did Ancient Greeks mean if they called you an idiot? – The law stated that everyone had the right to vote and if you didn't you were considered an idiot.

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