Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It's Survival of The Fittest...

Today in class we discussed a little passage know as A Message To Garcia by Elbert Hubbard. I also take it Mr. Schick really likes the name Elbert, because today he also said he would name his next dog that; which I found nice and the rest of the class all smiled as well. A Message to Garcia took place in Cuba during the Spanish-American War and went from April to August of 1898. The point of the story was that they sent only one man to get the message to Garcia. The special thing about this man; he didn’t complain, he didn’t say of what dangers he thought he would face, he just did his job with no complaints. His name was Rowan. While we were discussing this topic more we found the everyday working man is lazy according to the passage. Most of them always try to get out of extra work and other such things. They never go up and above their call of duty except for the man in the story, Rowan. He is the kind of man wanted in every town or business as the author tells it. The only other way to make a working man do his job is to make him think he will be fired. There is a phrase we used to describe this, “It’s the survival of the fittest” meaning only the best survive. I’ll be honest; I don’t think I could carry a message to Garcia….

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