Saturday, December 15, 2012

A "B" Please?

            Yesterday in Human Geo class we finally got to finish reviewing for the exam we will have next week. I’m glad that we got to review at all, because if we didn’t I wouldn’t have a lot of the information I needed to study on. During we got to ask questions about the exam as well and Mr. Schick told us things like: how many questions there would be, which sections we worked on would be part of short answer questions, and just what we needed to review the most at home before the exam. Since the school week ended I have be studying my heart out on lots on exams that we will have next week, including my: English, Biology, Spanish, Math, Religion, and Human Geo exams. I hope to do the best I can and score at least a “B” in all my exam subjects, but until then I guess I still need to study.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

There Will Be Exams

          Today in Human Geo class we reviewed for our exam! Although I am not looking forward to the exams next week, at least I know what to look for and where to find it thanks to Mr. Schick. Today he showed us what was going to be on our exam and where to find it on his blog under “Links That Don’t Stink” After he opened the tab where the notes on what we should study were found, we started to review what was on that list. We reviewed lots of things from A Message To Garcia, to Socrates. Although we didn’t get through everything, we left off on a great spot to start up on tomorrow, when we have an extra, long mod for Human Geo. I hope the test will be easy for me because so far I think I’ve done great in class and I wouldn’t want that to change now.  

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Project Over

           Today in class we finally got to show our projects to the rest of the class. My group was assigned to talk about American made products, how they’re better, and then make an ad about an American made product. I think that most of the people in my group did a good amount of work, except one that decided they weren’t even going to get on the presentation. And even when they finally got on, on Monday they didn’t get anything done for the group. I still think we did a pretty good job, when we put together the final product. I feel like we could have done better, but there’s only so much your small group can do in terms of a project in less than a week. Next time I hope that everyone can do an equal amount of work so that we can get everything done that we need to.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Project Time.... Again

           Today in Human Geography class we got to continue working on our project about the types of products made in each country and we have to support what’s better about our certain product than the foreign maker. My group was picked to do our research on how American made products were better than foreign made products. Although my group and I got a head start on the project over the weekend, we didn’t get as much done during class than we did then. We forgot to do the review of our product compared to the competitors and so that was what we mainly focused on this class. For our product that was made in America, we selected Silly Putty, it was funny at first because it was just a joke, but then we found out that it was actually mainly manufactured in Easton, Pennsylvania. I guess you learn something new every day in Human-Geo.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Project Time

            In Mr. Schick’s Human-Geography class on Friday we were given a project to do with our group after we finished watching the last video about capitalism in China. For our project we got picked to talk about the United States and how its products were better than that of imported goods. The best thing my group and I thought was about American goods was their quality and durability.  We thought after the video that we had enough ideas about how American made objects were better. For one, after hearing what happened to people who drove in Chinese made cars in America, I don’t think I would drive in any car made in China unless it could pass every safety test. Many Americans don’t care about where their stuff was made in. I think they should care where everything is made and they shouldn’t just expect something made in another country to be better because it’s cheaper.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

So Many Cars

            Today in Human Geography class we talked with Mr. Schick about car companies, jobs, and countries, and how all these things can affect us. Car companies in China and lower wages in China means people in America can get cars for cheaper prices. Although this can be seen in a good point of view, many Americans are losing their jobs to Chinese people who will work for about an eighth of the price for a day that the American workers made in an hour. Meanwhile China is also growing and expanding its amount of cars and highways. China will soon overtake the United States in the next ten years in the amount of cars and highways in the world. The only bad thing is, not many Chinese know how to drive, have a car, or even have the money for a car. Another factor is the amount of car crashes the Chinese deal with and how they settle it. Most car crashes end up with a direct payment from one side of the crash. Who knows what China will end up like with even more jobs and cars joining in.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Capitalism- Capitalism is an economic and political system that is centered on every person’s individual rights. It is a system that also focuses on the rule of law over the rule of man, meaning the law is to be followed. Capitalism is a social system based on the principle of individual rights. Politically, it is the system of laissez-faire (freedom). Legally it is a system of objective laws (rule of law as opposed to rule of man). Economically, when such freedom is applied to the sphere of production its’ result is the free-market.

 Communism- The political system where all land and objects are owned by everyone in a “classless” society.

Free enterprise- Free enterprise is the freedom to trade without government control over your trades. The doctrine or practice of giving companies the freedom to trade and make a profit without government control

Free market- An economic system in which businesses operate without government control in matters such as pricing and wage levels.

Inequity-  Unfair treatment or action.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Cars and Roads?

         Today in Human Geography class we talked about how China changed from being a country that mainly used bikes for transport, to one that is starting to become mainly dependent on cars. There are using cars so much in fact that their road systems may outgrow ours in the next ten years or even sooner. In China they also don’t have very good system for reviewing accidents. One company represents their client at the crash and the same for the owner of the other car. The final judgment is made by the traffic cop in China. Many people however still try to attempt at insurance fraud and they may also try to flee the scene of the crime to avoid getting billed by the person and the damage done to their car. I wonder what America would be like if we didn’t have such an evolved system of solving our car problems.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

What Do We Do?!

          In class on Friday we had a discussion about how we could fix our job situation in the United States and keep business here and keep it from giving U.S. jobs to people in other countries. One way or another there seemed to be no solution to our job crisis. And even if we could get Americans to keep their jobs we would still be faced with inflation, which is where prices get so high people start demanding more money, which in turn causes the company to make more money and then the consumer can’t even afford the product so they need more money and so on. Today’s job crisis is just one big mess of things, where one good thing brings a bad one. I wish we could just solve all of our problems and stop having to think so hard over something we can’t understand. Maybe one day we can fix this mess.